Monday, May 26, 2008

Night of the Ninja

Saturday night's 5k may have been my first experience with running a sub-20 5k. I say maybe because I (and about 10 others) took a 20 second detour off of the race route before being alerted that we were off course.

Even with the detour I ended the race at 20:13, not far from my goal. I finished 15 over all and 2nd in my age group (35-39).

In any event I took a minute off of my 5k time from three weeks ago. How can that be? The course was pretty possibility is my red Asics Pirahna. They felt as light as slippers.

Im feeling a bit more sore this time compared to the Fallafel 5k a few weeks ago.
Hopefully I will be fully recovered before this coming saturday's 10 mile sunset stampe race, where the first 5 miles are straight up. The race flyer brags that its enough to make Kenyans squeel. I'm aching already.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday May 20

Today was a recovery run from my longer (only 13 miles total) weekend runs. My totals for tonight were 5 miles at 9:00. Very slow but thats what recovery runs are supposed to be, right?

ON the marathon training front, Im still looking for a good training plan. I have Jeff Galloways "Marathon You can do it" and there's a pretty decent plan but it calls for walk breaks during the long runs. Im just not sure that the walk breaks are for me.

The idea is to run 30 seconds/per mile faster during the marathon and then take a minute walk break every two miles. This is supposed to prevent the accumulation of too much lactic acid and to allow you to finish strong. Im sure its a good strategy for most folks but the thought of resting so frequently just doesnt sit well with me. My fear is that I will over exert my self with the faster pace and not really recover during the walk breaks.

Any way if any of you (all two of you) have a training plan you're willing to share feel free to send it my way. I will be most grateful.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Long Run

Sunday was a long 9 mile run in the beuatiful bent creek forest. My actual total mileage was 10.85 (I walked the last two miles). For the 9 miles I ran 9:17 (pretty slow). I felt good overall however the hills kicked my ass. Here are the vitals:

Distance: 10.85 miles Elevation Avg: 2266 ft

Total Uphill:
+980 ft
Total Downhill:
-1145 ft

5.9 mph
10' 08 min/mile

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Philadelphia Marathon

Well its official...Im now registered for a date with destiny. I'm really excited that my first marathon will be through the fast, mostly flat, streets that Rocky trained on for his match with the Russian great Ivan Drago.

In other news my Asics Piranha arrived today (all 4.2 ounces of them). I cant wait to kick some ninja ass in the Night of the Ninja 5k next week.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

5k Race Report

Well I have some work to do before I can expect to get my 5k below 20 minutes. I ran today's Fallafel 5k in Asheville (a well orgainzed event ) and ended up with a 21:18 time. Not bad for my first 5k of the year but very far from my target. 1/2 of the course was uphill and the temp was around 80 degrees, two factors that probably didnt help.

Other vitals: My avg pace was 6:54, max heart rate was 187, avg. was 174. Hopefully I will build on today's performance in two weeks from now with my next 5k: the Night of the Ninja.

5k Race

Today I'm gearing up to run my first 5k since last June. Part of the training plan for my fall marathon is to incorporate 5ks early on so that I can have some sort of gauge as to what my marathon pace should be.

This year I've logged in a few more miles but I haven't incorporated too many speed sessions. A typical week (for the last 5 weeks) has consisted of about 20-30 miles with a pace of about 7.5 to 8.5 min/mile. Last year I managed to finish a June 5k at 22:10. Not spectacular but it was very hilly course and the temp was hovering around 80. I hope to take at least a minute off of last year's performance.

In any event I have three 5ks lined up within the next few weeks and by the time the next one rolls around hopefully my Asics Piranha will have arrived. My times can only improve right?