Monday, March 16, 2009

The month of Feb kicked my ass...

I've neglected to post any race updates lately in part well...quite simply I havent raced. The month of February brought stomach bugs, colds and weekend work which all kept me from entering any of the races I had scheduled. still planning on Boston next month and in preparation continue to put in my Sunday long runs of between 13 and 23 miles.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year Motivation

I found out today that my Boston Marathon entry was accepted.... Im about 13 weeks out (yikes!). I also learned today that Honey Stinger Gel has accepted my request for a sponsorship. If you've never tried Honey Stinger're really missing out. Unlike many
other energy gels Ive found that Honey Stinger provides a more constant energy source, my energy levels dont spike then spiral...also studies have shown that honey releases in to the body quickly and its easier to digest. Check it