Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bethel Half Marathon

Last Saturday I ran the Bethel Half Marathon, which is held just outside of Canton, NC. It was a small event (160+ runners) which was in many ways nice. The entire course was roadway/pavement which ran along side a beautiful rolling hill landscape.

The hills were noticeable but nothing like the Sunset Stampede.....I kept my pace to about 6'33 and finished with a time of about 1:25. My official results were 1:22 but I know that there was a mishap given that the guy in front of me finished in 1:24.

I finished 8th overall and 2nd in my age group which was enough to win a really cool pottery dish. I'm stoked about my time and am feeling pretty confident as I head towards Philly next month.

Thanks for reading.