Monday, March 16, 2009

The month of Feb kicked my ass...

I've neglected to post any race updates lately in part well...quite simply I havent raced. The month of February brought stomach bugs, colds and weekend work which all kept me from entering any of the races I had scheduled. still planning on Boston next month and in preparation continue to put in my Sunday long runs of between 13 and 23 miles.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year Motivation

I found out today that my Boston Marathon entry was accepted.... Im about 13 weeks out (yikes!). I also learned today that Honey Stinger Gel has accepted my request for a sponsorship. If you've never tried Honey Stinger're really missing out. Unlike many
other energy gels Ive found that Honey Stinger provides a more constant energy source, my energy levels dont spike then spiral...also studies have shown that honey releases in to the body quickly and its easier to digest. Check it

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Three weeks out...

And I still dont feel like I have any umph in my legs. I ran an easy 4 miler today and attempted a few fartleks but there just wasnt anything there. im guessing that another week and i should feel somewhat closer to normal.

Im trying to decide whether or not to use a new training program for Boston...Hal Higdon's looks pretty interesting and i dont think you can go wrong with Hal but I also found a 12 week plan by Joe Friel that seems to be heavy on speed works. I suppose I cant go wrong with either plan.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Philly Marathon Race Report

Now I understand what Lance Armstrong was talking about when he claimed that running a marathon is tougher than any feat that he had claimed in his previous life as a professional cyclist, including those miraculous climbs up Alp D'huez.

My goal for the race was to run a 3:15. Nothing more nothing less. When I arrived at the start line however the pacers were 3'10 and 3'20. I chose the 3'10 group and decided to hang on as long as possible. I stayed within 50 yards of this group until I ran into a problem with the need for bathroom breaks. The porta johns were few and far between....I went where I could (I will spare you the details) and sprinted back to the pace group. However, after my third stop (somewhere around mile 17) i simply didnt have it in me to pull a Michael Johnson. I lost the pace group and decided I would try to clock 7'30s for the remainder of the race.

Somewhere around mile 22 my pace took a nose dive. It was all I could do to manage an 8'00 pace. I felt boston slipping away. It was at this point that I noticed alot of entrants resorting to walking...I was so tempted to stop. My calves were screaming for me to stop....i simply didnt have anything in was at this point that i tried to focus on things unrelated to running...i thought about my billable hours at work, i thought through several partnership tax issues, and then I decidd to stop thinking about work and instead to pretend that all of the spectators were heckling silly as it sounds it worked...i got angry and was able to crank it out for the remaining miles.

I finished in 3:13:40. I am very sore...and at this point very much craving another race.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Philly Marathon-Boston Bound

I did it! I finished in 3:13....more to come.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bethel Half Marathon

Last Saturday I ran the Bethel Half Marathon, which is held just outside of Canton, NC. It was a small event (160+ runners) which was in many ways nice. The entire course was roadway/pavement which ran along side a beautiful rolling hill landscape.

The hills were noticeable but nothing like the Sunset Stampede.....I kept my pace to about 6'33 and finished with a time of about 1:25. My official results were 1:22 but I know that there was a mishap given that the guy in front of me finished in 1:24.

I finished 8th overall and 2nd in my age group which was enough to win a really cool pottery dish. I'm stoked about my time and am feeling pretty confident as I head towards Philly next month.

Thanks for reading.